The World Health Organization list diseases and disorders that can be treated with acupuncture as shown by clinically controlled trials.
British Acupuncture Council
The BAcC provide research fact sheets on a variety of different conditions.
Acupuncture is an effective treatment for fertility in both men and women.
Answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.
Helena is a supportive and intuitive practitioner and her treatments have helped me immensely. I would highly recommend acupuncture with her to anyone.–S.W. Bristol
Acupunture treatments with Helena are very relaxing, she has a lovely calm energy and I always come away feeling lighter and energized.–K.F Bristol
Acupuncture with Helena has helped me in more ways than I ever expected. Initially starting treatment for back pain I soon found my problems with sleep and asthma also greatly improved... Amazing!–L.D. Bristol
Acupuncture really helped my vertigo which improved within only a few sessions & positively affected many other aspects of my health and wellbeing. Helena has a very caring & friendly approach.–E.G. Bristol
I experienced great results with Acupuncture from Helena. My migraines dramatically improved & I also just felt much happier and like myself again.–C.F. Bristol
Helena is extremely good at her job. Her knowledge is extensive and through out my IVF her treatments didn't just help my body but also my mind. All in all I don't think the cycle would have worked without Helena. I will be forever grateful.–K.M. Bristol
Thanks to the acupuncture I have received from Helena I feel like my energy has returned and my quality of life is so much better. I have a lot to thank her for and would highly recommend her to anyone.–E.H. Bristol